This topic is probably not the easiest ones to write satisfactorily about, but I will give it a go anyways. The reason for this short endeavour is multifold: Finnish parliament elections are upcoming and some friends are enlisted in this "contest"; I have recently encountered several people and issues that have awaken my sense of (in)justice, partly due to Finnish social system; and the last one: my secret craving to make everything right in this society.
I think I would make a good politician. Yeah, maybe that's the reason I shouldn't get involved, other than voting itself. I have the basic will to correct the wrongs in this society and to change the dooming direction of this nation. Still, I am afraid of the reality: power often corrupts even the ones with good will and sound motivation. Celebrity, even in the form of a political career, takes away the opportunity to have a "normal" life. There is a price to pay to get involved in politics. Another issue is the ever-present question of each sincere heart: can I make a difference? Putting this question into political domain, democracy is not the best place to make a difference: stupidity is multiplied in masses.
In addition to those practical questions, I want to present a question to all confessing Christian politicians: are you a Christian politician, or are you a Christian who practises politics? The difference is the weight of the words: A Christian politician is mostly a politician, who has Christian values and norms, but puts politics before religion/faith. This kind of politician has good will towards the society and its people, but their efforts are mainly concentrated in social and legal issues. A Christian who practises politics is a person who primarily views him/herself as a follower and deisciple of Jesus Christ, who then wants to use political tools to glorify the Triune God and share His love/mercy, His personality, to the whole nation. This kind of "politician" will not easily be successful in politics, because he/she tend to be too concerned with spiritual things that are not so tightly connected to political issues. One can argue for a balanced approach, but I think practically every Christian who wants to get involved in politics will conform to one or another. There is a profound difference, because the latter attitude is uncompromising in many aspects, but the prior attitude is compromising in almost all aspects.
What is my point in this short post? I want to put things into perspective, primarily for myself, but if it helps you, that's a bonus. First of all, as a Christian, my sole aim in life should be to lead a life that is pleasing to my God and glorifies Him. In such a life I would find my utmost satisfaction. Secondly, if I am a true disciple of Jesus, I would certainly want to make a difference in people around me, including the society I live in. This implies active attitude and participation in the lives of those people, but the first thing should be held at first place to keep perspective. Thirdly, if I feel more urgency and worry about the situation of my society and state, compared to the urgency and worry I feel for the individuals in my life, perhaps I should aim for a political "career" to make a difference. Still keeping the perspective and first thing first. Then again, if I see the urgent need of many individuals around me to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, I can't leave them for others to be cared for, but should do all I can to tell, teach, guide, be an example, empower, and surrender them to God's caring hands. I can't find my self doing both things effectively, thus a choice must be made.
Life needs balance, but I'm afraid life also means choices. It is wise to choose well, according to the calling of God and His will. It is also wise to stop every once a while and perform a status check, where I am, where am I heading, and should I do something to tune my direction according to God's guidance. And then do it! Without holding back, without intimidation, without fear, without looking back. It is a life worth living for!
So, as a conclusion, quite a pessimistic but I believe a realistic one: this world is a sinking ship. As a sinking ship, the speed it is going down is increasing along the time passing by. Jesus is coming back, the final judgement is looming for the godless people and rewarding the awaiting ones. Politics cannot save anybody, it cannot necessarily even change anyone's life, but the Word of God spoken through His Holy Spirit CAN make a difference, and will make a difference. Whether being spoken in a church pulpit or riverside garden, whether declared in the parliament house or the business street, whether whispered in the quiet hospital room or at the ear of a repenting friend, the Word of God is what counts. This world is in the desperate need for sincere Christians who are involved in all fields of life (incl. politics), and who boldly proclaims the good news. Acting and living according to the Word, thus saving him/herself, and those who hear Him and believe.
"I consider everything else worthless because I'm much better off knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. It's because of Him that I think of everything as worthless. I threw it all away in order to gain Christ and to have a relationship with Him." - Paul of Tarsus to Phillipians, 3:8
And thinking about the last days of my life, whenever or wherever or however it will be, I want to be able to say:
"I have fought the good fight. I have completed the race. I have kept the faith. The prize that shows I have God's approval is now waiting for me. The Lord, who is a fair judge, will give me that prize on that day. He will give it not only to me but also to everyone who is eagerly waiting for Him to come again." - Paul of Tarsus to Timothy, second letter, 4:7-8
"Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" - John the Beloved Disciple, Revelations 22:20
A drop there and a drop here, drops of life run into vast oceans of life. This is a place for thoughts and ideas, questions and answers, experiences and expressions, a place to be cherished.
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Today was my first day of Summer vacation, what a day! Finland is "suffering" an all-time heat streak, so we easily managed to stay couple of hours on the beach...
This wonderful day consisted of at least:
- Baby's health check (heart monitoring, cause baby isn't born yet)
- Meeting friends!
- wonderful grill food at Jankan Vanha Grilli (see picture below)
- Simple and nice beach moment
- peaceful time studying at home
- Got a haircut!
Wellawella, holidays are nice, thank God for this priviledge. :)
This wonderful day consisted of at least:
- Baby's health check (heart monitoring, cause baby isn't born yet)
- Meeting friends!
- wonderful grill food at Jankan Vanha Grilli (see picture below)
- Simple and nice beach moment
- peaceful time studying at home
- Got a haircut!
Wellawella, holidays are nice, thank God for this priviledge. :)

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