It's again been a long while since last blog entry. No excuses here. Again there has been several topics popping into my mind, but not yet becoming "materialized" into blog text.
As I've started this series about my favorite song, I'll continue where I left last time. Now the second stanza of the song:
2. Viilenee hiukan jo hyväily tuulen, joutsenet oikovat siipiään.
|: Kanteleen soittajan uupuvan kuulen, sirkatkin riisuvat pois kenkiään. :|
A quick English translation: The tender touch of the wind has become cooler, swans are already stretching their wings. I can hear the zither player becoming sleepy, even the crickets are taking off their shoes.
This part basically continues to draw the image of the wonderful nature God has created. In the evening, when the busy goings of the day is calming down, one can almost hear and feel the exhaustion of the well lived day time. It is good to know, that we are meant also to rest, not only work and run as robots. The tender breath of the evening wind, the natural actions of the creation preparing for the night, the admission that I am tired, all leads to the peaceful moment, where I can just lie down and close my eyes in solitude. Yet, I am not alone, God is with me through His creation. His faithfulness is the reason I can entrust myself totally to Him. I don't need to worry about the night and its horrors, or whether I will wake up in the morning at all; I need not to worry about what tomorrow will bring, or what illness or pain I will need to bear; all is in His hands, mighty and loving hands.
Yesterday with my Chinese cell group, we read from the Bible the place where Jesus spoke about God dressing the flowers of the field and feeding the birds of heaven: Book of Matthew, chapter 6, and verses 24 to 34. This place spoke to us, despite it being very familiar and often read. The freshness of Jesus' words speaks to us everyday, because we have the tendency to worry, to control, to want to know. In the group we discussed about what it means to worry, what it means to not worry, and where is the balance. We concluded that to worry helps us to act out, not to worry tend to keep us ignorant of things that need to be done or issues need to be prepared for; then again, worry also often takes away the bliss of living a fully trustful life toward Jesus, the ability to live simply. Then, not worrying about life also might mean that we neglect the responsibilities we have and live as fools.
All in all, the balance is here: to live our lives fully at each moment, doing our best in what we are supposed to do, and leave the rest to God. To seek His kingdom is not something spiritual only, but certainly includes to work and provide for the family, to keep fit, to care for family and friends, to be the shoulder for the mourning ones, to be the ladder for the learning ones, to be the support to the weak, and be the companion to the joyful. To seek God's kingdom is to live fully His words and life in everyday life.
The verse 2 of Viimeiset veneet comes down to life, to everyday life, the little moments that may appear vain but actually is all that matters - it is only those little moments that we have. Every choice matters, every decision counts; every action of heavenly nobility is precious, and every moment is evenly valuable. Rest and solitude is certainly part of the plan that God has for us, I hope I can learn the lesson to keep and enjoy those moments.
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