The worst thing about the speed of life is not that there isn't enough time, but the worst thing is the lack of enthusiasm. In the midst of busy schedule and sometimes overloading of work, it basically kills any enthusiasm toward life (spiritual or material) and produces spiritual scum in the form of laziness, pessimism, sarcasm, and even hypocrisy. Be aware.
Anyhow, Finnish Summer time is relaxing. As the co-workers are going for holidays, the workload hopefully decreases a bit. Also the wonderful weather (rain and cold) calms the busy mind. The traditional mid-Summer conference in Keuruu Iso Kirja also inspires, the theme of the conference this year is "The Touch of the Holy One". May His touch inspire me and revive this weary soul.
This Summer is the first Summer in ten years I'm staying inside the Finnish borders. God has a plan, and this is good time to rest. I can't image how I could've dealt with possible outreach outside Finland this year... And the upcoming birth of our first child will certainly bring joy, excitement, and of course a lot of work. :) Babies are sure treasures. Yeah...
Here are the pictures I promised earlier, from my trip in China in the beginning of May. The saying is still true: "whatever is said about China, it's true somewhere in China." China arouses passion in me, it also arouses anxiety and fear. This May I was in China, I tried to look at the beloved country from the point of view: What it would be like to live here? The result: scary, messy, busy, no peace, challenging. Still, if there is a plan for us to migrate there, it's good to recognize beforehand, what will be awaiting us there. God knows, and He cares, and He enables, and He involves Himself in our lives. Hallelujah, Emmanuel.
And the pics, enjoy. :)

Peaceful home street of my aunt and her family. It's not unusual to see some major family quarrel on such streets. Neighbors care for each other, some times too much... :) Asian life.

Fried noodles. Best one in long time. Nam! :D (price: less than 1 euro)

Tofu in special format (Do Fu Lao). The traditional food of my home home. Delicious... Ah. (Price: less than 1 euro)

The place and the way old grandma's and grandpa's spend their time, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, until they die. It's sad. My grandma also goes here, this is her only "hobby" or interest. The program? Playing cards. playing cards. playing cards.
I pray these old ladies and gentlemen could be turned from these vanities into the light of true Life and Vine. It could be SO different!

Same story as above pic. Here people gather to sing and listen to local Chinese opera. Interesting.

Xi An Western bus station. May day, huge amount of people travelling. Me too.

Xi An railway station. Xi An (my home city) has the only fully preserved city wall in the whole China.

Beijing central railway station. Famous place. I just happened to pass by. Trains to Xi An leave and arrive at Western station of BJ.

Bags packed. Again. Last time for a while... Always so charming task. :)

Yeah, leaving from China, once again. God bless China, its people!
Hi Leevi! It's Huijun here, and glad to find this place (from FB) after a long while disconnected.
ReplyDeleteI heard from Yan Li about ur merriage the winter after ur wedding. So, late congratulations from our family! How is life otherwise? still in Tampere?
We are nowadays living in Vantaa, with our two boys (almost 3 years old Daniel and 1 year 2 months old Leo). It would be nice to see you and your wife sometimes, welcome to visit if you happen to be around capital area. T. Huijun
Hi HuiJun!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you, and it's been long time, yeah... We are still living in Tampere, waiting for our first baby to be born anytime soon. :)
Let's connect in FB to talk more!