Baby is sleeping a lot and eating little, crying little and causing a lot of diaper changes. Today I've changed a diaper for her, full service, including taking off the clothes, removing the diaper (and properly disposing it), washing the poo, drying her, putting a new diaper on her, and dressing her up again. Phew. Clumpy as I am, she didn't cry that much during the operation...
I've also held her quite a lot, trying to do it correctly. I think I'll need a lot of practice. I think I'll get a lot of practice.
I've also taken some pictures. Now I understand why the parents of new born babies take a lot of pictures: not because they are so cute, but because they don't pose for the camera --> only by taking many pictures can one get some good shots... Well, ok, they are cute, and very picturesque. :)
Here are few pics from those two days:

Okey okay, I know know. I won't be posting more baby pics here, they are too private to share this openly. But, as I commented already in IRC: it seems that our baby is the cutest baby in the whole world! Now I understand the prejudice that lie in the hearts of new parents. Also recommended for you. :)
One good prerequisite is a loving marriage with a loving spouse, resting in the Love of the Almighty God. Source of true happiness is God, accessed in the Holy Spirit through the blood of Jesus. Absurd, paradoxical, but real.
Wanna shout: Hallelujah!