I've experienced many times the difference between presumed feeling and the actual feeling, thus I've learned not to presume "how it feels", but just take in whatever comes, and live in the moment. Living this moment, everything so far has been very well, smooth transitions, professional skill of the hospital faculty, advanced medical tools, and the peaceful period right before the final labor. How does it feel? Maybe the only word I can think of is: Life. It doesn't feel grandeous, nor extra exciting. It's just life, seeing some blood, hearing the heavy breathing, expecting the first cry of the newborn, feeling the hunger in my stomach... :) It's life, a good one.
Conclusion: Life is not something you see from TV, not even the books you read. Life is not in the theories and talks of other people, not even your own philosophies or speeches. Life is unique, continuous, splendid, vivid, and special. It should be treasured, cherished, it must be lived to experience it! I challenge you: watch less TV and surf less Internet, get more involved in Life, in the lives of people surrounding you. It is worth it!
The essence of Life is in its creator, the Self-Existent God. Glory and honor to Him, the Author and Sustainer of all life on earth.
Now the labor is over, our baby girl is born! The last moments were stunning. I stopped breathing when Maria didn't breath, my stomach was tense when Maria had contractions, and I sweated when she sweated. And tears were lingering in my eyes when the baby finally came out. Speechless, amazed, excited. I concur with the comments of all other fathers: this was a life changing experience.
Life is amazing! :)
yaaayyy!!! you're a daddy! :)
Aivan uskomattoman kaunis kirjoitus! Onnittelut vielä kerran uudesta perheenjäsenestä! t. Katariina