New year's eve, that is today. It's good to reflect upon the past year, something I actually haven't had the leisure to do very often in my past.
This year we are spending this celebration with Maria's family, having been with my family during the Christmas time. It's good to quiet down, eat well, pray together, and reflect. God is so good.
The year of 2010, went by very fast. I've had the blessing of learning a lot of new things about myself and the world around me during this year. Here are some prides and prejudices I learned:
- At the beginning of 2010, I looked forward to a year of interest at work. I was uncertain as to my abilities to perform well in my professional role, and I was eager to find the pride in myself regarding my profession. I wanted to become a professional at what I do.
- During the Autumn of 2010, I have gained a lot of confidence in myself and my professional skills. I have found the pride, but it startled me. Professional pride sounds like a healthy kind of pride, one should have or aim to obtain. But I have come to know that it is pride anyways, and it ruins me unless I take note and deal with it properly. My attitude towards the professional pride has changed. One prejudice broken: I am not as humble as I thought I would be, when success arrives in my professional career.
- At the end of 2010, I have been extremely busy at work, partially due to job well done, partially due to the "coincidence" of extremely busy projects. The pride is acutely present, when others recognized my abilities. I have not yet learned to deal with it correctly. Practically I haven't had time to really go through the issue. Hopefully I won't be forming any prejudices too early.
- My only visit to China this year toke place during the first week of May. It was a trip less than one week long, during which I visited a cousin's wedding, my grandma, and some friends. It was a very special trip, eye-opening. One of my prejudice was broken: I started to see life in China in a different light than before. This was partially due to the idea of possible migration there, but certainly, I have thought of no problem of living in China for me, but I learned that I actually haven't thought about it really. God started to speak to me about various aspects in living in China, the challenges and uncertainties. He is preparing my heart.
- The greatest gift for us in 2010 arrived on the 12th of August. Viivi Lilja Enjuan Liu (刘恩娟) was born, and she changed our lives. The ex-prejudice of I don't know how to change diapers has fortunately expired without any pain. Other prejudices regarding caring for a baby were also corrected or proved along the way. I have gained to pride myself of being a father. I have also learned about the anxiety of a father, at least some of it. Life will never be same anymore, the responsibilities have increased, but so far we have done well, PTL! The arrival and stay of Viivi with us have opened new aspects into life, into future, into our hearts.
- One pride has been recognized: I have thought I could handle the future well. Now I know I am not sure, and that I should rely on God and God alone. Proverbs 3:5-6 says it well: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This realization has changed me, or has started to change. I'm thankful that there are some ways in 2011 I can actually live out the change, and I pray we as a family could grow in this area.
- The latest learnings and broken prejudices: I have earlier (student times) experienced minor stress and done well at some very stressful points. I have learned at those times that I am quite a stress-free person, able to deal with things as they come. Towards the end of 2010 I have learned that I was not right, it's just that I haven't encountered the real stress caused by work and lack of time. In my previous posts I've marked down some points about this topic, here is the summary: I realize that many many people around the world are under stress, and I should not overlook it and judge them as weak-minded and pitiful. The only way to get out of unnecessary stress is a change of values: world view, values of life, and set the importances in right order. I want to highlight the free will God has given to everyone. Regardless what you might loose in life, the world and people can take away your everything, even your freedom, but nobody can take away your free will to choose for yourself. Even if tied in unbreakable chains, we can still have our own will, be it cursing God or praising Him, we can choose!
I wish everyone a good new year of 2011, a year of free will, good choices, and balanced life. The knowledge of right and wrong is available at hand, inspired by the Holy Spirit, confirmed by Jesus Christ, and acted out by the Trinity. I wish myself humility and eagerness to approach God. Strength to act upon the knowledge of good, and perseverance to overcome the evil. Wish you also. :)
Psst. I've had this book but gave it away, now I'd like to have it again. Recommended reading for 2011:
Royal Insignia by Edwin and Lillian Harvey.