It's been ages, I've wanted to post some thoughts here, but never had time. This past two months have been the busiest of my life, working life. I am amazed how work can affect my life, taking the time, energy, thoughts, and peace away. I know it is affecting millions of other people in the similar way at the same time, and I wonder.
Now it's Christmas eve, finally some peace and quietness, no need to go anywhere, no need to do anything. Actually I do have couple of tasks waiting on my laptop to be done, but I deliberately let them wait, for two more days. Now it's time to relax and rest, enjoy time with family and friends. Enjoy the time with Jesus, especially.
For Christmas, we don't do gifts or trees or santa or reindeer stuff, phew. It makes everything much simpler than otherwise. I actually didn't go to downtown shops or even Hervanta DUO shop whole December! I have unintentionally avoided all the hassle and whistle of Christmas shopping, thank goodness. In addition, my dear wife has been doing all our Christmas -card things, in addition to buying the few gifts and packaging them. I've managed to do none of those, happy me. :)
Hopefully this is not going to continue very long, I mean the busy times at work. It's interesting to note how my sights have been blinded by the busy schedule, not able to think about the future in a colorful manner, just to make it through each day. Human life is not meant to be spent like this. Still, millions of people in many countries (China especially) are living just like this, year in and year out, having all the pressure and stress on them, without hope for better, without time to think about eternity.
Thus, maybe as a conclusion for this post, life should be defined clearly, otherwise it might be quickly wasted away. I'd define life like this: "The unique time span of each individual, to be cherished, spent with other people (not machines), enjoyed to the fullest, honored with happiness, built upon a solid foundation (the divine nature of God), and consumed to its fullest potential."
Life forever, if not well lead, might become a real torture.
I wish everyone a good life, a true life, a merry life. :)
Thanks for your thoughts! And I wish you'll and your family will have a refreshing Christmas time and God's wisdom for the becoming year 2011!!