In addition to those above, there are major turmoils going on in the world: Libya, Yemen, Japan catastrophe, constant rivalry between nations and people, and the media discussion in Finland about rights and wrongs. All these things are real, regardless of my feelings or thoughts. There are people suffering, hurting and being hurt, crying, laughing maliciously... World is not a nice place anymore.

However, last weekend in the camping site Kausjärvi of our church, I experienced the peace and beauty of the nature. There are still many beautiful things, many places and people and memories to cherish. In addition, there are also many opportunities to do good, to shine in the darkness, so to speak. Active and positive attitudes are not self-evident anymore, but they are still available, if I want to adhere to them.
Back to the topic: the cost of discipleship. The central idea and theme is simply this: to be a disciple of Jesus means to pay a cost. Ultimately Jesus has already paid the cost for me, my sins, my guilt, but when I live my everyday life, I also need to pay. My payment for following Him is not much, simply choices in using my time, money, mind, strength, heart. Whether I would just enjoy myself in nice Finnish environment, or I would forsake the enjoyment and rather work hard to teach the Word of God. Whether to enjoy watching movies or use the time to study the Bible. Whether to allow the media and on-going evils to bring me down, or to actively promote the light and hope for the bright future.
The problem seems to be, that often I only want to pay the minimum price. That could mean just going to church every week, or just doing all my duties and that's it. In recent discussion with a cell group member, he was so ambitious about having quality music in church that I was startled. We had consensus that the quality of music as such is not important, more important is the heart that worships. But he helped me to see his heart, that if we live for God and do things for God, why would we be satisfied with intermediate? We could and should give it all in, do the best we can, and bring full glory to God. In another words, pay the full price!
It's not about how it looks or feels, but about the passion and devotion. The cost of discipleship is measured not in money or time, but in heart and spirit. Jesus said of himself in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 9 and verse 58, that foxes have holes and birds have nests, but he does not have any place to rest. Why are we building big houses and sleeping in king-sized beds, buying comfortable sofas and watching daily entertainment from wall-sized televisions? And the worst of all, all we do is to complain and wail about the evil around us or the bad situation of the world, sitting comfortably in our ivory houses with full belly of delicious food + deserts. Irony, sarcasm, paradox.
Keeping up with the idea of positive and active attitude, I'm asking the question: am I willing to pay more for being a true disciple of my Lord? The ultimate price might be death, but that's an ending for us all anyways. To live fully, vigorously, is to pay the price. I want to hear my Master's comment: You good and faithful servant. That will be worth all the pain and price. All the joy and great experiences come as a bonus on top. :)