Ouh yeah. The title of this post is actually a slogan we used in our Summer outreach in 2009. It was painted on our team's T-shirts and surely demonstrated a happy and joyful life attitude.
Today I recalled this slogan, and it's really good! Happy for a reason, it says a lot. I feel happy, happy for a reason. Of course there are many reasons if I started a list, but the slogan is saying one thing: true happiness IS available and it's available through Jesus Christ.
Today I felt happy, happy for the awakening of the beautiful nature, happy for the wonderful people I met and spent time with at church, happy for having worked hard to facilitate our international Easter party, happy for seeing happy faces of multi-national guests. Happy to be home, putting baby to sleep and share time with family. Happy, for a reason.
Tomorrow would be a new day, working day, with new challenges and many issues. But this moment is the one I am enjoying. There is a Finnish song expressing this feeling:
Huomisesta en mä tiedä
Esirippu eteen jää
Minne tahdonetkin viedä
Tänään tahdon ylistää
About tomorrow I don't know
There's a curtain unveiled
Wherever You are going to take me
Today I just want to praise You
No worries, no fear. One of the best gifts of Christian life this is. Looking back: full of blessings and guidance. Looking at the future: full of possibilities and a bright goal. Enjoying today, enjoying this moment, happy for a reason.
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