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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

SLR: What I Learned About Islam?


Islam as a religion has existed nearly 1400 years, but only in recent decades its influence has reached a new height. The oil resources controlled by Islamic countries are great assets, which in their own ways steer the politics and economics of the whole world. Worldwide migration of people has formed Muslim minorities in traditional Christian countries, and also Christian minorities in traditional Islamic countries. Wars and famines are also causing great migrations, bringing cultures together for better and for worse.

I have not had extensive cooperation or dealings with Islamic culture, and I have not really had any Muslim friends. I have not dealt with the “folk Islam”, which is effectively guiding the behavior of majority of Muslims. I have not needed to. However, nowadays Finland has also a populous Muslim minority, who are being watched by the media and suspicious eyes of phlegmatic Finns. How should I face this new situation? What can I learn about Islam? It turned out that there are plenty I could learn and do.

Religious Essentials

I took a course named “Introduction to Islam”, and thought it to be interesting and contemporary. It provided a lot of information regarding the history, essentials, and many facets of Islam. Here I am listing few items which were new to me or otherwise made an impression on me:

  • Qur’an is the holy book of Islam, and it is recited everywhere in Arabic, which is held as the divine language.
  • By reciting Qur’an in Arabic, Muslims experience the connection with God
  • There were no diacritical marks nor vowels in written Arabic Qur’an, allowing for some degree of ambiguity in interpretation
  • Prophet Muhammad had a rich life, and was a capable leader who cared for the poor, the weak, and the needy
  • The Arabic culture prior to Islam was full of scattered idol worship, and in general not held in high esteem
  • Islam means submission, practically submission/obedience to God and His prophets
  • Muslim denotes a person who submits and yields his life to God according to Islam
  • Hadith denote the whole collection of the actions and sayings of Muhammad, which are to be followed precisely
  • Sunna means the conducts of Muhammad as a man
  • Together, the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Sunna mark the detailed ways of life all Muslims are to follow
  • The 5 pillars of Islam are the creed (shahada), prayers (salat), fasting (sawm), alms (zakat), and pilgrimage (hajj)
  • Umma denotes the “Islamic community” as one single nation, similar as Christian concept of church as the body of Christ. In this definition, Islamic view of the world is simply divided into the House of Islam and the House of War, basically Muslims and non-Muslims
  • The concept of Jihad and power of Islam are rooted to the very beginning of Islam, when wars were fought and won and the House of Islam was quickly expanded to become a world power
  • Folk Islam is a concept which describes the beliefs and practices of majority of Muslims, which are not according to orthodox Islam, but which are the way these Muslims live out their religion. Fold Islam contains such things as e.g. superstition, amulets, talisman, the evil eye, and various spiritual things.

There are of course more to Islam than above list. For example, a big surprise for me was how Christians are seen by the Muslims.

Christianity in the Eyes of a Muslim

Just as I did not know about Folk Islam, the Muslims are seldom aware about liberal theology or so called nominal Christians. Most of Muslims think that Christian West really means that all the people in Christian countries are Christians. No wonder Muslims have really low appreciation for Christianity.

Another major tenet I did not know was that Qur’an speaks very positively about Jesus, and that Muslims hold Jesus in very high honor! Connected to this, the deity of Jesus is refuted by Islam, but this relates to their understanding about Christianity: Jesus had the message from God, but Christians replaced/corrupted it by changing the content to the “gospels” in New Testament. In the same line, the concept of Trinity of Christianity is idol worship, where three gods are worshipped: God the Father, Mary, and Jesus. Huge misunderstandings!

Another major issue seems to be the crucifixion of Jesus. I did not know that Qur’an actually talks about this: “but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, …, for a surety they killed him not – Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself” (Sura 4:155-158). So, Islam has interpreted this text to mean that Jesus was NOT crucified at all, but a substitute was crucified, which Jews thought was Jesus. There are other theories also, but this is the majority view. Islam cannot understand, how God could give an innocent man like Jesus to be crucified on others behalf, it is against Islamic understanding of justice of God.

There seems to be many conflicts regarding who Jesus was, did He really die, and who is right about God: Islam or Christianity? At this point, I would like to consider, whether it is possible to find harmony between these two groups?

How to Live in Harmony?

When studying the course Introduction to Islam, at times I had difficulty to breathe: the tight grip of Islam on its adherents took my breath away. There are social, economic, and cultural implications for a Muslim to convert to another faith. The worldview built into Islam is totalistic and requires absolute submission, which the term Islam means. The division of House of Islam from House of War automatically puts non-Muslims into a secondary position, and any amount of oppression seems to be justified.

How does Christianity respond to this? All I can think of is Love. The Agape -love of God that Christians keep on talking about, it encompasses all people on earth, including Muslims. If there are wrongs done to them, Christians would love back, as Jesus taught in New Testament (Matthew 5:43-48). Of course, back in the history there has been plenty of violent responses from Christians to Muslims, but were those done in the spirit of God or in the spirit of man? There has been many a dark moment in human history, when men have erupted against other men and killed, tortured, wronged them, simply because they were somehow different.

Despite the history, I believe there can be harmony. The harmony of Love, which “keeps no record of wrong”, “always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” (1st Cor. 13:5, 7). Though it IS unfair, the Love of God is able to take all the beatings, humiliation, tortures, and offences. All this, because “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth” (Job 19:23). God will have his fair and just judgement, and by trusting Him in Jesus Christ, anyone can learn to Love.

Without Love, it is impossible to reach harmony, because hate and vengeance are never-ending cycles. Despite the possible absolute submission to Islamic teachings about what is orthodox, in the deep heart of every man and woman, adult and child, there is the need to be loved. So, regardless are you a Christian or a Muslim, I call you to surrender to the Love. It is not blind, it is not cheap, it does not change your circumstances nor history, but it will change you! The Love of God was demonstrated: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And through Jesus: “to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12)!

How Do I Choose to Live?

Now in everyday life, how should this Love be seen? How it should affect my life? What I have come to understand is this:
  1. Recognize my prejudices and repent about them
  2. Pray and ask for Love from God
  3. See Muslims first of all as men/women loved by God, and then as friends God has put into my life
  4. Spend time together, do something fun, learn language, help with daily chores…
  5. Share the Love of God via warmth, actions, and words.
There is always a risk of becoming hurt or deceived, if one chooses to Love. Then again, we are not called to love dumbly, but there are wise principles and safe limits that help us to Love consistently. To Love is not to forget rationale, but an attitude of life.


What has this blog text brought to your mind? Do you agree or do you object strongly? Your feedback is more than welcome! Our lives are always undergoing processes, because we are human, tied in time and given only each moment we live in. Fortunately God has put eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), so it is not only a meaningless ride, but every moment really counts! Make your words and actions count, not towards worldly and passing things, but towards eternal and meaningful things.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1st Corinthians 10:31)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This Lady is 99 This Year!

Congratulations to dear Finland, who turned 99 this year, today. Of course Finnish history extends long before that, but this is to celebrate the founding of the Republic of Finland.

Finland is an unique country, just as unique as any country in this world, but some more. The last 100 years of Finnish history contains a huge leap from rural farming society to modern IT society. The Finnish people have changed from Sweidish speaking aristocrats and cursing farmers to "civilized" Westerners, ranking among the top nations in the world for literacy and higher education. Finnish economy has evolved from forestry and farming to high-tech and service industry. Finnish culture has changed from God-fearing and hard-working to God-less and individualistic. Family values have degenerated, but somethings have not changed: sarcasm, irony, over-consumption of alcohol, and unmovable determination a.k.a. sisu.

It is well known that Finnish people are not easy to befriend with, but it is also very true that Finnish friends prove to be very good friends, often friends for life! There are so many great things about Finland that the world has not discovered, but will these things stay the same if the world discovers them?

One interesting fact: when Finland faced Soviet Union in Winter war between 1939-1940, the president of Finland declared nationwide prayer for the country. And people prayed indeed. Many say that this fear of God was what saved Finland from losing the war, as it was really a miracle that such a small army could withstand the attack of Red Army for so long time. Nowadays the nation of Finland is far away from the atmosphere of prayer or fearing God, history is written by the conquerors, and modified as time passed...

Couple of literary pearls by Finnish author Väinö Linna:
The Unknown Soldier
Under the North Star trilogy

Happy Independence Day, Finland!

Google's way:

Friday, September 30, 2016

SLR: What is Going on in Our World Today?

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The acronym “SLR” stands for Service Learning Requirement, which is a part of a course I am taking right now. This article aims to utilize some of the course material and present an evangelistic message to you, my readers. However, this is not meant to become a single-sided sermon on the evil of the world. Instead, I hope to pen down some of the phenomenon during the past years in various parts of the world, and provide some insights for your consideration.
Our World Today
As of September 2016, there has been major terrorism attacks in Europe, which have changed the way people feel about security. The economic down turn in Europe has also been evident for some years, causing increased financial insecurity. Environmental issues have occupied headlines more frequently, little by little erasing the hope for a better future. Technology has brought a lot of new gadgets and entertainment, which are becoming more mundane than ever.
The world is being united: English language removes obstacles in communication; airlines remove obstacles in geography; TV and internet remove obstacles in culture. People are becoming international, or actually more global than ever. What has this development brought to you? Perhaps more job opportunities outside of your native country? Perhaps more travel opportunities to see wonders of the world? Perhaps finding the one you love from other side of the globe? Perhaps all of these, or perhaps none.
What are also real in the world today: wars, famine, abundance, migration, comfort, natural disasters, high tech, tolerance, racism, communalism, individualism, pride, suffering, some love, and a lot of hate. Vengeance. Lies. Soap operas and X-factors, movies, stars, conspiracy theories, self-enlightenment, self-indulgences. Science is not the power driving society anymore; individual aspirations and ideologies have ascended the throne.
There are still some beautiful things in nature, people, life. But these are becoming rare. Or perhaps it is the observant who has learned to neglect better. How is our world today? What do you think?
Why Our World is as It Is Today?
Now, skipping the answer to “how is our world today”, I come to the question: why our world is as it is today? Below are few aspects, and I hope to hear your comments/feedback if any.
  • The reasons of the unrest of world: There is no single reason that answers this question. Some say religion is the reason for wars, some say greed is the reason for totalitarianism, some say lack of love is why people hate each other, some say poverty is the reason for unrests. Actually, the condition of our world is nothing new, there has always been wars, murders, uprisings, and violent encounters. The difference is that we are now more aware of these due to advancement in broadcasting and technology. More NEWS has brought more information which has brought sympathy and eventually apathy.
  • The reasons for unhappy people in the Western world: The postmodern ideology of the relativity of truth and reality has taken away any firm foundation on which an individual can build his/her life upon. Within the ideology, tradition is a constructed evil meant to control people; society is a necessary evil meant to keep order; and religion is a myth meant to comfort people. What postmodern people do not see is the setting of individual (subjective ideas) to become truth itself, which in turn leads to self-centricity = pride. In this condition, one accepts only values/ideas suitable for oneself, and rejects any “authorities” that do not agree. When one has thus isolated him/herself, one has also isolated oneself from happiness
  • The reasons for unhappy people in the Eastern world: The glamorous and enjoyable material abundance occupying Western countries have become the single goal for Eastern countries. Without the Christian worldview, Eastern people tend to give no value to oneself, but rather sees community/family as a priority. Coupled with materialistic outlook developed in recent decades, people in the Easter world compare his/her success to others. They also compare rank, power, beauty, wisdom, wealth, and health, just to name a few. In this endless loop of comparison, people living in Eastern world do not become satisfied, and happiness eludes from them.
  • The reasons for unhappy people in poverty: The answer seems obvious: they are poor! But, if we look deeper, it is not poverty itself that takes away happiness. Children are happy if they have family and friends, of course if they get their daily portion of food. If there is no daily portion of food, can the love and care of close people still bring happiness? To certain extend, yes. My view on this topic is, the world is biased in its treatment of people: rich becomes richer, poor becomes poorer. Greed and hording of wealth are fundamental reasons to poverty, and bribery system in most of poor countries only makes it more obvious. People in poverty could be happy if they are cared for, treated as human beings, and given the opportunity to change their lives. Holistic intervention helps.
  • What is happiness? Postmodern mind will bring up this question, and it is a fair question to ask. Bible has a saying: “godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world” (1 Timothy 6:6-7, ESV). The core here are godliness and contentment. I would agree. Godliness offers a set of values that are defined by God (assuming that the Christian God is real), which transcend time, space, culture, society, and which are claimed to bring happiness to every individual. Contentment is a choice of mind, an attitude of living, which helps people to accept happiness produced by godliness. Contentment doesn’t mean lack of ambition; it rather keeps ambitions honorable and worthy.
    One of the problems in the world today is that people are too busy to think, or too lazy to think deeply. Often we do not want to take the pain of delving deeper into our motives, values, thoughts, or emotions. In the text above, I have listed few observations, and below I will list few conclusions. Would you agree with them?
How Our World Should Be?
  • Will our world be able to sustain itself? Recently there are more and more news regarding possibilities to migrate to Mars. Also, famous Stephen Hawking has deemed the earth to be inhabitable in less than 1000 years, likely under 200 years. Though I do not agree with Stephen about the way earth will diminish, I concur that current way humanity operates is not sustainable. Our selfish living and tremendous consumption of resources, in addition to pollutions produced, are toxicating the earth without any hope of recovery. Our so called “advancements in civilization” are only nice looking outward improvements without true internal change. People are as evil as ever, and more technology only offers more power to practice evil deeds.
  • What then? The Bible tells us that before long, there will be major catastrophes on earth (Rev. 6:8; 8:7; 9:3-6; 11:6, 13, 19), and at the end God will create a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1). Though the “short-term” outlook of our world is not very bright, biblical faith offers comfort and hope, for “God himself will be with them and be their God”, and “He will wipe every tear from their eyes” (Rev. 21:3-4). What is heaven? The essence of it is to be with the loving and righteous God, in full contentment, happy, and forever thankful for what He has done. There will be no hunger, no thirst, no longlines, no pain, no death, no sorrow; because God himself will rule and care. That is how our world should be.
  • You might sigh at my quotations from the Bible, thinking it to be outdated or simply superstitious. Then again, have you really sought to disapprove what Bible says? Have you considered the consequences of God being real, and the Bible being really a revelation from Him? You can check some internet resources for deeper study, e.g. C.S. Lewis Apologetics, or Christian Apologetics Research Ministry. In the meanwhile, let me provide an presentation of Christian message for the world today.
  • The Christian message for the world today: The Christian message for you today is actually nothing different from what was proclaimed in the first century AD by the disciples of Jesus Christ: “He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10:42-43). Another quote: “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses” (Acts 13:38-39).
    • How it works? Let me break it down for you.
      • We people are sinners in the eyes of God: we are not perfect as He is, we are selfish, proud, self-centered. We compare ourselves with others, which produce either pride or jealousy. We lack compassion, empathy, love. We lack the ability to not sin. (see Psalm 53:3, Romans 3:23, James 2:8-11)
      • We are not able to help ourselves: we cannot remit our sins, cannot remove the guilt, cannot redo what has been done, cannot help ourselves. Acknowledging this, we cannot help other people to remit their sins, as we cannot even help ourselves. (see Hebrews 9:22)
      • God has provided a way: Because God loves us and does not want us to suffer the consequences of sin, He chooses to forgive our sins. However, God is also just, so His nature requires a punishment for our sins. Jesus came to solve this problem: He led a perfect life in humility and power, then surrendered Himself to humiliation and torture, to shameful death on the cross. Jesus took the punishment of our sins, and was able to do so because He is the Son of God, and He did not sin. Jesus also rose from the dead, because death had no reason to keep Him. (see John 3:16-17, 1 John 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Luke 23:47; Romans 5:6, Matthew 26:26-28, Colossians 2:13-15, Galatians 1:4, 1 Peter 3:18; Acts 2:24, 2:32, 3:15, 4:33)
      • Do we choose the way God has provided? God has provided the way of redemption for our sins, salvation for our souls, and true peace and happiness in life. The choice is yours, whether to accept His gift, or to ignore it? To accept it, simply calm down and tell Him, tell Him about your weaknesses, imperfections, and that you cannot help yourself. Tell Him that you want to receive His gift for you: salvation, remittance of sins, the new life promised. Then thank Him for this gift. That’s it. (See John 1:12, Romans 10:9-13)
      • How to continue? Life continues, usually, also after your decision to accept salvation by Jesus. What I can recommend is that you would contact someone who is a Jesus -follower, and share with him/her what you have just done. It would also be good to get a Bible and starting to read, e.g. starting with Gospel of Mark, then the letter to Galatians, letter to Colossians, etc. You can also pray to God in the name of Jesus, whenever and wherever you are, regarding whatever issues, aloud or in your mind. Finally, it is important to find a healthy church where you can ask questions, experience love of the Christian family, and find your spot. Do not just keep this to yourself, our world needs more people like you. (see Matthew 5:13-16, Romans 8:14-16, Romans 8:26, Luke 11:1-13, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Hebrews 10:24-25)
Final Remarks
The “How it Works” -section above might be lengthy, but I pray it is right for you, who are looking for answers and seeking for help. Your life does matter, and you have unique value in the eyes of God. He loves you!
I am open to hear from you and learn your story. I might also be able to answer some of your questions, if any. The goal of believing in Jesus and living as a Christian is not simply to receive salvation, or become a better person, or get ideas how to make this world a better place. The goal of believing in Jesus is simply that it is the best thing that can happen to us, and through us, it is the best thing that can happen to people around us and for this world. Believe in Him, follow His guidance in your life, build up a relationship with Him, and you will not be bored.

If you are already a Christian and have been following Jesus in your life, great! I want to bless you and pray that you continue to receive gifts from God, with which you can serve the people around you and build up your church. The gifts from God might be health, or an ability to care for people, or a skill to do something, or finances, or a power to pray, or humility. Do not despise what He gives to you, but use it to your full potential. I am sure you will find Him smiling at you when you do.
Have faith, have hope, enjoy Love, be blessed!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Revitalizing The Blog

It seems that this blog has been sleeping for some time, so now is a good time to ring the wake up call. What has happened during the past two years or so?

The monkey king in the picture is not the answer to the rhetoric question above. Two years has included a lot of things, especially in the mind-buzzing high-speed ever-changing environment of China. Maybe it's good to simply summarize, maybe just a few highlights or learnings, if it can rightfully act as an extended memory picture.

1. The biggest thing in the past two years: a transformation of mind. Towards the end of our stay, I felt that I have become a local person. I followed the local news, knew the tricks in dealing with various issues, checked traffic condition from the map before going out, checked regularly air pollution forecasts and planned our life accordingly. Everything was normal, part of life. It felt good to belong, but it also became exhausting. Life in a big city is not easy nor relaxing.

2. The Funniest thing in the past two years: there were so many, perhaps mostly related to our kids. But for me personally, some great colleagues at work have brought a lot of fun into everyday life. The jokes, the discussions, the attitude with which we handled our dwindling job. Very professional, mostly, and definitely unique in many ways. And I find it funny.

3. The happiest moment: This is a tough one, because I tend to find happiness often and in everyday lives. I am often thankful to God for minor details, and satisfaction brings a lot of happiness. Perhaps the major happy moments relate to the assorted meals I managed to enjoy all over the places, heh. Then again, the single most happiest moments relate to seeing and knowing that the lives of some of our dear friends have experienced God and changed. Simple as that.

4. The saddest moment: The saddest moment was, when the husband of my aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer at late stage, but he was kept unaware of the seriousness of it. I went to see him, but could not tell it to him, and could not openly discuss death with him. A couple of weeks later he died, only one day after finding out about the cancer. I think I should have boldly talked to him about things, now it's too late. The saddest moment is the wrong decision / lost opportunity, which can only be regretted. And to learn from.

5. The most touching experience: This also relates to sickness and death. A close family friend was diagnosed with pancreas cancer, went through couple of successful surgeries, but suddenly the cancer spread wider and he died after few months of hospitalization. He was a successful man in his career, artistic, sensible, and has a wife and daughter. He was sporty and tall, and owned a healthy frame. But towards the end, he was stripped one layer at a time, one title at a time, one thing a time, until he was weak, thin, hopeless. His wife stayed by his side until the end, but inside his thoughts, he had to surrender everything that used to be dear to him. I had couple of occasions to visit him, talk with him, pray for him, and tell him about salvation in Jesus Christ. He was willing to receive Jesus into his heart. Was it a desperate grasp of anything that could save him? I don't know. God knows. When I gave him a hug before leaving, he pulled me to himself and gave me a long hug, with tears. I am thankful I could be there for him.

6. The most beautiful thing: The smiles of people, the beautiful creation of God, the growing children, the tears of repentance and salvation. For me, the most beautiful things were minor details I observed through the mundane daily routine. And there were many!

An old man playing guitar and singing old tunes.

A train station right before heavy rain fall

Childhood delicacies: buns with chili, and Tofu with chili sauce

Sea side